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grand tour 1.教育旅行〔舊時英國貴族子弟到歐洲大陸旅行,以完成自己...

Dumbledore intended , next , to take a grand tour with elphias “ dogbreath “ doge , the dim - witted but devoted sidekick he had picked up at school 按照原定計劃,他本打算畢業后和他在學校時結識的好友,綽號“狗喘”的埃非亞?多戈一起去進行一次偉大的旅行。 ”


Hefei has attracted philco , coca cola and maytag from usa , sanyo , hitachi and mitsubishi from japan , unilever from gb , abb from swiss , malone from italy , chiatai from thailand , grand tour from singapore , as well as some large companies or consortiums from regions such as hong kong , macao and taiwan , etc 我市已吸引了美國飛歌、可口可樂、美泰克公司、日本三洋電機、日立建機株式會社、三菱重工、英國聯合利華、瑞士abb集團、意大利梅羅尼公司、泰國正大、新加坡佳元公司以及港、澳、臺地區等一批大公司、大財團在合肥投資。

What was once the grand tour , reserved for only the very rich , is now within everybody s grasp ? the package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at 一?只有最富有者享有的“大旅? ”現在人人都可獲得。旅行社包辦的旅游、包機決?會遭人恥笑。

Dumbledore intended , next , to take a grand tour with elphias “ dogbreath “ doge , the dim - witted but devoted sidekick he had picked up at school 按照原定計劃,他本打算畢業后和他在學校時結識的好友,綽號“狗喘”的埃非亞?多戈一起去進行一次偉大的旅行。 ”

But since that day two years ago when ashley , newjy home from his three years ' grand tour in europe , had called to pay his repects , she had loved him 但是自從兩年前的那一天,阿希禮歐洲經過三年的大旅行新回到家,上門拜訪之后,她就愛上了他。

The exterior is highlighted by the use of bright polished aluminium which evokes the chrome of past grand touring cars from italy 外觀采用的是明亮的拋光鋁飾品,令人想起過去意大利的鉻合金豪華旅行車。

Modern travelers enjoy a level of comfort which the lords and ladies on grand tours in the old days couldn t have dreamed of 現代旅游者享受一種舒適,是過去貴族和婦女在旅行中想象不到的。

Gt grand touring car 豪華高速旅游車

This reason for travel originated with the grand tour in the seventh century 從7世紀起,就有龐大的人群因這一原因而旅行。

Am i gonna get that grand tour or what 我能有幸參觀嗎

Well , hey , how about the grand tour 呃,來個教育旅行怎么樣

We ' re gonna give you a grand tour 我們會帶給你一個偉大的旅程

Am i gonna get that grand tour or what 我能享受到那豪華旅行嗎

Roger : hi dave . did you get the grand tour this morning 羅杰:嗨,大維。上午你周游列國了嗎?

She ' s going to expect a proper welcome , a grand tour 她在期待一個盛大的迎接儀式和豪華的旅程

So lori . i ' ll get that grand tour or what 那么,蘿莉,我能有幸參觀嗎